研究成果発表するときには Notification




In this study, *** samples, cohort information, and genome data were provided by the Tohoku Medical Megabank (TMM) Project (research number: 20xx-xxxx).

全ての分譲データは、東北メディカル・メガバンク計画スーパーコンピュータの利用によるものです。当機構のスーパーコンピュータは、ゲノム医療実現バイオバンク利活用プログラム(B-Cure) 基盤事業としてサポートされています。論文を出す際にはB-cure 基盤事業に関する謝辞をお願いします。

This research was supported (in part) by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and development, AMED under Grant Number JP21tm0424601.

提供している試料・情報と関連論文 (2024年5月時点)

デザイン東北メディカル•メガバンク計画Kuriyama, S. et al. The Tohoku Medical Megabank Project: Design and Mission. J Epidemiol 26, 493–511 (2016).Link
デザイン地域住民コホート調査Hozawa, A. et al. Study Profile of the Tohoku Medical Megabank Community-Based Cohort Study. J Epidemiol 31, 65–76 (2021).Link
デザイン地域住民コホート第2段階調査調査Hozawa A. Nakaya K et al. Progress report of the Tohoku Medical Megabank Community-Based Cohort Study: Study profile of the repeated center-based survey during second period in Miyagi Prefecture. 2024 Feb 24. doi: 10.2188/jea.JE20230241. Online ahead of print.Link
デザイン三世代コホート調査Kuriyama, S. et al. Cohort Profile: Tohoku Medical Megabank Project Birth and Three-Generation Cohort Study (TMM BirThree Cohort Study): rationale, progress and perspective. Int J Epidemiol 49, 18–19m (2020).Link
デザイン複合バイオバンクFuse, N. et al. Establishment of Integrated Biobank for Precision Medicine and Personalized Healthcare: The Tohoku Medical Megabank Project. JMA J. 2019;2(2):113-122.Link
デザインゲノム解析Yasuda, J. et al. Genome analyses for the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project towards establishment of personalized healthcare. J Biochem 165, 139–158 (2019).Link
試料バイオバンクMinegishi, N. et al. Biobank Establishment and Sample Management in the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 248, 45–55 (2019).Link
試料細胞試料Ishida, N. et al. Landscape of electrophilic and inflammatory stress-mediated gene regulation in human lymphoblastoid cell lines. Free Radical Bio Med 161, 71–83 (2020).Link
情報全ゲノム配列情報Tadaka, S. et al. 3.5KJPNv2: an allele frequency panel of 3552 Japanese individuals including the X chromosome. Hum Genome Var 6, 28 (2019).Link
情報全ゲノム配列情報Nagasaki, M. et al. Rare variant discovery by deep whole-genome sequencing of 1,070 Japanese individuals. Nat Commun 6, 8018 (2015).Link
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情報メチル化解析Hachiya, T.et al. Genome-wide identification of inter-individually variable DNA methylation sites improves the efficacy of epigenetic association studies. npj Genomic Med 2, 11 (2017).Link
情報オミックス解析情報(メタボローム、プロテオーム)Koshiba, S. et al. Omics research project on prospective cohort studies from the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project. Genes Cells 23, 406–417 (2018).Link
情報メタボローム解析情報Koshiba, S. et al. The structural origin of metabolic quantitative diversity. Scientific Reports 6, srep31463 (2016).Link
情報メタボローム解析情報Koshiba, S. et al. Identification of critical genetic variants associated with metabolic phenotypes of the Japanese population. Commun Biology 3, 662 (2020).Link
情報口腔マイクロバイオーム解析情報Saito, S. et al. Oral Microbiome Analysis in Prospective Genome Cohort Studies of the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project. Front Cell Infect Mi 10, 604596 (2021).Link
情報MRI(脳画像)検査情報Taira, M. et al. Tohoku Medical Megabank Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study: Rationale, Design, and Background. JMA J. 2023;6(3):246-264.Link
データベースdbTMMOgishima, S. et al. dbTMM: an integrated database of large-scale cohort, genome and clinical data for the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project. Hum Genome Var 8, 44 (2021).Link
データベースjMorpTadaka, S. et al. jMorp: Japanese Multi-Omics Reference Panel update report 2023. Nucleic Acids Res (2023) AOPLink
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ゲノム解析関連ゲノム解析技術Katsuoka, F. et al. An efficient quantitation method of next-generation sequencing libraries by using MiSeq sequencer. Anal Biochem 466, 27–29 (2014).Link
ゲノム解析関連長鎖リードシークエンサーを用いた遺伝子発現解析Otsuki, A. et al. Identification of Dominant Transcripts in Oxidative Stress Response by a Full-Length Transcriptome Analysis. Mol Cell Biol 41, (2021).Link
ゲノム解析関連地域差検証Yasuda, J. et al. Regional genetic differences among Japanese populations and performance of genotype imputation using whole-genome reference panel of the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project. BMC Genomics 19, 551 (2018).Link
ゲノム解析関連日本人標準ゲノム(JG1)Takayama, J. et al. Construction and integration of three de novo Japanese human genome assemblies toward a population-specific reference. Nat Commun 12, 226 (2021).Link
ゲノム解析関連遺伝地図の構築Takayama, J. et al. A fine-scale genetic map of the Japanese population. Clin Genet. 2024 May 8. Online ahead of print.Link