研究成果発表するときには Notification
In this study, *** samples, cohort information, and genome data were provided by the Tohoku Medical Megabank (TMM) Project (research number: 20xx-xxxx).
全ての分譲データは、東北メディカル・メガバンク計画スーパーコンピュータの利用によるものです。当機構のスーパーコンピュータは、ゲノム医療実現バイオバンク利活用プログラム(B-Cure) 基盤事業としてサポートされています。論文を出す際にはB-cure 基盤事業に関する謝辞をお願いします。
This research was supported (in part) by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and development, AMED under Grant Number JP21tm0424601.
提供している試料・情報と関連論文 (2024年5月時点)
カテゴリ | 内容 | 論文 | PubMed |
デザイン | 東北メディカル•メガバンク計画 | Kuriyama, S. et al. The Tohoku Medical Megabank Project: Design and Mission. J Epidemiol 26, 493–511 (2016). | Link |
デザイン | 地域住民コホート調査 | Hozawa, A. et al. Study Profile of the Tohoku Medical Megabank Community-Based Cohort Study. J Epidemiol 31, 65–76 (2021). | Link |
デザイン | 地域住民コホート第2段階調査調査 | Hozawa A. Nakaya K et al. Progress report of the Tohoku Medical Megabank Community-Based Cohort Study: Study profile of the repeated center-based survey during second period in Miyagi Prefecture. 2024 Feb 24. doi: 10.2188/jea.JE20230241. Online ahead of print. | Link |
デザイン | 三世代コホート調査 | Kuriyama, S. et al. Cohort Profile: Tohoku Medical Megabank Project Birth and Three-Generation Cohort Study (TMM BirThree Cohort Study): rationale, progress and perspective. Int J Epidemiol 49, 18–19m (2020). | Link |
デザイン | 複合バイオバンク | Fuse, N. et al. Establishment of Integrated Biobank for Precision Medicine and Personalized Healthcare: The Tohoku Medical Megabank Project. JMA J. 2019;2(2):113-122. | Link |
デザイン | ゲノム解析 | Yasuda, J. et al. Genome analyses for the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project towards establishment of personalized healthcare. J Biochem 165, 139–158 (2019). | Link |
試料 | バイオバンク | Minegishi, N. et al. Biobank Establishment and Sample Management in the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 248, 45–55 (2019). | Link |
試料 | 細胞試料 | Ishida, N. et al. Landscape of electrophilic and inflammatory stress-mediated gene regulation in human lymphoblastoid cell lines. Free Radical Bio Med 161, 71–83 (2020). | Link |
情報 | 全ゲノム配列情報 | Tadaka, S. et al. 3.5KJPNv2: an allele frequency panel of 3552 Japanese individuals including the X chromosome. Hum Genome Var 6, 28 (2019). | Link |
情報 | 全ゲノム配列情報 | Nagasaki, M. et al. Rare variant discovery by deep whole-genome sequencing of 1,070 Japanese individuals. Nat Commun 6, 8018 (2015). | Link |
情報 | SNPアレイ情報 ジャポニカアレイ | Sakurai-Yageta, M. et al. Japonica Array NEO with increased genome-wide coverage and abundant disease risk SNPs. J Biochem mvab060 (2021) | Link |
情報 | SNPアレイ情報 ジャポニカアレイ | Kawai, Y. et al. Japonica array: improved genotype imputation by designing a population-specific SNP array with 1070 Japanese individuals. J Hum Genet 60, 581–587 (2015). | Link |
情報 | メチル化解析 | Hachiya, T.et al. Genome-wide identification of inter-individually variable DNA methylation sites improves the efficacy of epigenetic association studies. npj Genomic Med 2, 11 (2017). | Link |
情報 | オミックス解析情報(メタボローム、プロテオーム) | Koshiba, S. et al. Omics research project on prospective cohort studies from the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project. Genes Cells 23, 406–417 (2018). | Link |
情報 | メタボローム解析情報 | Koshiba, S. et al. The structural origin of metabolic quantitative diversity. Scientific Reports 6, srep31463 (2016). | Link |
情報 | メタボローム解析情報 | Koshiba, S. et al. Identification of critical genetic variants associated with metabolic phenotypes of the Japanese population. Commun Biology 3, 662 (2020). | Link |
情報 | 口腔マイクロバイオーム解析情報 | Saito, S. et al. Oral Microbiome Analysis in Prospective Genome Cohort Studies of the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project. Front Cell Infect Mi 10, 604596 (2021). | Link |
情報 | MRI(脳画像)検査情報 | Taira, M. et al. Tohoku Medical Megabank Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study: Rationale, Design, and Background. JMA J. 2023;6(3):246-264. | Link |
データベース | dbTMM | Ogishima, S. et al. dbTMM: an integrated database of large-scale cohort, genome and clinical data for the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project. Hum Genome Var 8, 44 (2021). | Link |
データベース | jMorp | Tadaka, S. et al. jMorp: Japanese Multi-Omics Reference Panel update report 2023. Nucleic Acids Res (2023) AOP | Link |
データベース | iMethyl DNAメチル化情報 | Komaki, S. et al. iMETHYL: an integrative database of human DNA methylation, gene expression, and genomic variation. Hum Genome Var 5, 18008 (2018). | Link |
ゲノム解析関連 | ゲノム解析技術 | Katsuoka, F. et al. An efficient quantitation method of next-generation sequencing libraries by using MiSeq sequencer. Anal Biochem 466, 27–29 (2014). | Link |
ゲノム解析関連 | 長鎖リードシークエンサーを用いた遺伝子発現解析 | Otsuki, A. et al. Identification of Dominant Transcripts in Oxidative Stress Response by a Full-Length Transcriptome Analysis. Mol Cell Biol 41, (2021). | Link |
ゲノム解析関連 | 地域差検証 | Yasuda, J. et al. Regional genetic differences among Japanese populations and performance of genotype imputation using whole-genome reference panel of the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project. BMC Genomics 19, 551 (2018). | Link |
ゲノム解析関連 | 日本人標準ゲノム(JG1) | Takayama, J. et al. Construction and integration of three de novo Japanese human genome assemblies toward a population-specific reference. Nat Commun 12, 226 (2021). | Link |
ゲノム解析関連 | 遺伝地図の構築 | Takayama, J. et al. A fine-scale genetic map of the Japanese population. Clin Genet. 2024 May 8. Online ahead of print. | Link |